Sunday, October 14, 2007


That is right , I am leaving. but not for too long. Only until my poll is done then maybe a bit after then. If you want to know the reason of this check out my other blog.

This is Clifer, signing out. For ever. Not really though, just for a long time...

Thursday, October 11, 2007


WOOT... Designed a logo for KTH. will make it look profesional then take pictures and put it on the bloggages.

That is all.


Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Well the Calvin and Hobbes quotes have become officially part of the blog. At least for the next little while.

Other than that nothing new. Im sick today. Started new file on Luigis Mansion This morning... By 4 I was at the final boss. Have given up trying the past 45 minutes. Will try again in a few.


Friday, October 5, 2007

I have...

I have started a new column on Whims For Whenever. check it out!


Wednesday, October 3, 2007

*Cough* *Cough*

Got a bit of a cough. But Im gonna be well enough for K-Town so Im fine. Gotta get some more stuff for the cat hunter... Well... Gotta get all of the new stuff for the cat hunter. LOL.

Im fine with that. We are plagued by a dog that eats our garbage here,(Nothing compared to a bear), I would stay up and scare it off for goo but Im too lazy. LOL. Just recently found out that the trunk on the model Hummer I got for my B-Day last year opens... So did the stink bug that was on my desk. I took care of it Mafia Style. Stink Bugs are really big this year. I killed 3 in one day just in my room. One fell into a candle at the party and it was quite funny cause he burned his legs then fell on his back at the bottom of the candle and had to wait for it to get him. I would've helped him but one day I came home from school and my whole room smelled of stink bugs. They are actually cedar Bugs, but what kind of loser would point out that difference because they were offended by my ignorance of calling them stinkbugs.

Gonna start randomly spacing my blog.

This way people will become confused. This is only for today.

Gonna make a gibson firebird VII in wood working next semester.

Ill grab a pic right now...

All right there we go... You can go to this link to read more about it and such if your interested.


PS. Heres that link...

There you are bye.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Wow... I really dont have much to say. Im still going to be running the Cat Hunter 3 as planned. Might have a screening for it to show it off. But I realize I have no budget for it. $40 bucks would have been ok for the first couple of movies but now that I need live five masks at $5-10 each + caps and morte weapons, we destroyed most of them in the wagon racing documentary, I also need a couple more swords like 5 or six each at $2-5 dollars that puts me roughly between $35-75 dollars moving really more towards fifty. So thats fine. Schools really boring. If I didnt have a nazi science teacher things would be betteer. But I dont really care. As long as I get good marks from him he's out of my life half way through the year. (we have two out of four academics for every half of the year). Well I havent got much else to say. Im going to get a new poll up and running soon so that should be good. Going to Kelowna this weekend, even more psyched about it because my friends family is also giong to be there. Maybe Ill try out the wii and ps3 at Eb Games in the mall... If they have demos for both, Ive tried both I just want to compare, I rally am liking the ps3 but more games that I want are coming out for the wii so my buying prospects are about 70 vs 30 for the wii. Like I said not much new.


PS. To the people that won thee necklaces those should be ready by christmas. I just need to find some spare time between Home work guitar and schoool to devote time and money to both of them. Im planning on using the profits from the cat hunter 3 to buy a wii and make those necklaces. anyways thats all bye.