Passed entry SIX Zero in falying colours. Not much new to say. Im starting new advice after the original Idea crashed and burned along with my sense of belonging.
TIPS FOR BEING COOL ( according to me)
1. Always order drinks on ice. It just makes them better anyways.
2. Never insult anyone for no reason whaatsoever. Always have a reason no matter how small it may be.
3. Don't say you dont like things without a valid reason. Because you suck at them doesn't mean you have to hate them.
4. I realize I might have broken some of these rules including the next one but who cares. Be forgiving, If not right away ( which is fine) then soon. Don't hold a grudge for too long. Always give it serious thought and don't go on holding it unless the person keeps doing what you are holding against them or does something equally bad. If they try to patch things up, let them. Its always better to make thngs right. If they make no effort to do so just don't bother with them.
5. Dont take too long to explain things. lol. Sorry bout #4.
I cant think of any others so moving on... Please buy the wagon racing DVD, or one of the Cat Hunters. This isn't actually a rule but it should be considered. I recently found out that the budget for the Cat Hunter 3 is about $65 dollars less than what I estimated it to be. I only have $5. If you dont already own one or all of these please consider buying them. Warning Not recomended for viewers (like adults) who are very easily offended. The Wagon Racing Documentary was prbably he worst followed by the Cat Hunter 1 followed by the Cat Hunters 2: the lost Cure.
Turquoise Turks and Caicos
8 years ago
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