As promised, its been a month, here is the next chapter in my novel. By the way Ive chamged my friends name from Terry to James. Just cause I like the name James more... Here's Chapter 3.
Chapter 3
As we drive down to the police station his dad tells me what he knows so far. Already the cops have been combing through my house for evidence and they’ve found absolutely nothing.
“ Its as if they were kidnapped by ghosts,” He says as he hands me a pair of shoes he picked up at my house for me. I slip them onto my feet. It feels weird to be wearing something on my feet because they are so badly bruised and cut. But I put on a brave face and fight through the pain until I’ve got them tied. Just as we get onto one of the main roads a black car pulls up behind us and begins to accelerate. His dad looks at me and says “ That the same car that was following you earlier.” I turn around and before I even see if theres some one driving it my mmouth spits out the words “ OH shit… Yes.” James’ dad floors it. The power of his brand new Skyline brings quickly away from the baddy. But he accelerates almost as quickly catching up to us in a few seconds but James’ dad is a professional driver and takes us quickly through a tight group of corners and steep slopes. We hit a speed bump and go flying off it, catching a few feet of air as we fly towards the rock wall on the one side of the road. We touch the ground just in time and the tail end of the skyline scrapes lightly against the concrete barrier apparently meant to stop people from getting hurt careening into a rock wall. I look back to see the baddy in his black dodge viper hit the barrier hard. But not hard enough to stop him. He keeps driving towards us leaving his passenger side door bent over the barrier.
As we burst out onto the open road the Skyline accelerates by far faster than the viper, whose engine was apparently badly damaged in the hit. We lose him on the staight strech towards the RCMP place. We quickly pull into the parking lot and run inside. James runs to the bathroom, apparently a little bit carsick after that. I just sit down, glad to not be moving. James’ Dad, Scott, brings me into his office.
As I sit down he addresses me, “ Dare, I’ve discussed it with your father and we’ve agreed that Im gonna take you two boys to he safe house we have up on the mountain. We’re gonna lay low there until we can find a safer place for you to hide right now its to dangerous to risk bringing you to your house for more than a few minutes. We’ll take you there to grab some things but then we’re going.” I nod and he says,” Kay, We’ve got a plan Dare, now go get james and tell him we’re takin the hummer.” I roll my eyes, the police force hummer was James’s Idea. But calling me dare is just a name I got. Cause no matter how stupid a dare is if it isn’t one that could kill me I’ll do it. And it sounds a lot cooler than my real name. Which I won’t tell you just for the sake of boring you.
I run and get James, and he punches the air with his fist as I tell him we’re taking the hummer.
And there you go...
Turquoise Turks and Caicos
8 years ago
ahiry ride cliff. One suggestion: RCMP detatchment? instead of place?
TY, The reason I said place is to make the main character more realistic. If he knew absolutely everything it wouldnt be as real... at least thats what I think.
Yes, I see your point. apologies.
Its fine I would have said the same thing
Hurry with the fourth chapter!! XD
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