As Promised here's chapter four, one day late. Next month ch 5 will be on the 28th again. Also Today is National Llama Day. Soo... Celebrate by spitting somewhere. and cherish that spit. Anyways... GTG to paul's bye!
Chapter 4
We get an escort of two police cars to my house. My dad meets me at the door. He tells me he’s taking the animals and he’s gonna go visit his sister in Winnipeg until its safe. I give him a hug, and hug my little dog, Soldier, before they leave. Soldiers a bit of a mutt but I’ve had him since he was a puppy. He’s about three but he’s smart and fast. He looks like a mix between a schnauzer and a benji type dog. His hair is a gold color with bits of white thrown in. The one reason I named him soldier was because since he was a puppy whenever I’d say ‘Easy’ or ‘ At Ease’ or something along those lines he’d sit down and all the tension in his body would melt away. I watch them leave taking a police escort with them. Some of the police techies are still combing the house for evidence. I run upstairs and grab my back pack. I grab my ipod, some pop, a book, and some things like tooth paste and brush and deoderant. I look over my room and as almost an after thought grab the Aztec pendant my mom got me when she was in Mexico doing something to do with getting the children better education and speaking with the government about putting in more restrictions about the enviroment and stuff like that. The symbol has something to do with protection but I just think it looks cool. As I walk down the same hallway I did just 12 hours before I hear a smash and look down the stairs just to see one of the cops that’s supposed to be protecting me go flying through the Banister on the stairs. Wood chips fly everywhere, and as the dust settles I see a horrible looking beast tearing into the cops flesh. The creature looks almost like a bat mixed with a mountain lion, except it lacks pigment and hair. It stops and starts to look in my direction. I bolt. I run straight past the stairs into the bathroom and push up the window and dive out onto the roof covered in snow. I never ever tried to go out onto the roof before because the wood holding it up was old and weak and probably couldn’t hold me for long. I run across the roof. Leaping from it into a snow bank ten feet below. Luckily this time Im wearing shoes. The backpack slides up over my head making me stumble as I try to get up out of the four foot deep snow. I finally succeed and run for the alley. Where James and his dad are waiting.
I jump into the backseat of the hummer and yell “Drive! God Damnit Drive!”
Scott asks almost two calmly, “What happened?”
“I don’t know, but they got in and it looks like one of your men might never walk, let alone breath, again.”
“Shit,” he says as he grabs the radio and radios one of the officers inside the house,” Dan, you there?”
A cold voice answers, “ We’re sorry Dan and his friends aren’t available at the moment, could we take a message?”
“ You Sure as Fuck can’t” James’s dad screams into the radio just before he changes frequency’s to the RCMP headuarters. “We need men at the kidnapping house right away their appears to have been an attack on the officers there as far as we know we have 4 men down.” He yells into the microphone as he speeds up the hill. We narrowly miss an 81 honda, and for some reason a quote from a movie James and I saw pops into my mind, and I grin stupidly and turn to james who is obviously thinking the same thing… “this is an 81 honda! How dare you!”
Turquoise Turks and Caicos
8 years ago