8 More days until the next chapter is put on... I plan on editing it before then... I think its this chapter that I want to edit... Well anyways... UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM well I had something to blog about but I almost forgot it. But now I remeber. Im gonna work on the novel this weekend, depending on if I can find LOST season three before then. If I find it then everything in my life will be pu on hold. Cause I need to watch it. Had clubs today. It was fun. A morning of swimming and an afternoon of bowling. Other than that nothing much new. By the way. As part of a review Im giving out now. Im gonna review a couple of movies. OK first off, The Last Legion, This ones been out on DVD for a couple of months, If you wanna watch a movie along those lines rent gladiator or ROME. Ive only seen bits of ROME bt I can already tell its alot better done. The main thing about the Last Legion is its story jumps from one place to another too quickly, they tried to make it a violent fantasy movie for kids, which is a bad combination it makes for stupid stunts cheesy plot turns and the T rated video game people dieing, where the just fall down. Personnaly I think tat its stupid to have it that way. If the story had been better I would have found it a bit more amusing and also the writiing was pretty terrible. out of a possible 10 stars Ill give it 6. Mostly because it wasnt badly enough done that I just turned it off or did something else while watching it. Next Review " Night At The Roxbury." Ill save this for tomorow because that will give me something to do before speedskating.
Turquoise Turks and Caicos
8 years ago
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