I not gonna post the fifth or whatever chapter for another few days cause Ive got alot of editing to do. Sorry If this is an inconvenience. In other news, I had a great spring break starting with a couple of days in kelowna, then nearly a week in kamloops, Made an epic claymation and had tons of fun at sunpeaks, Thanks to Grandad for taking us there, and went to the movies. Then spet a few days in vancouver at Joops house with mom joop min pete mistaya tabitha and penelope. Lots of fun there. Havent done much since I got back to Nelson. Paul finished school a couple of days ago and got a job at the hospital. And Mom's really excited about the attic because she bought a bunch of shelves at ikea for it. Other tahn that not much new.
Turquoise Turks and Caicos
8 years ago
Glad you had a ggod time here in Kamloops. We sure enjoyed having you
start blogging boy! Here I'm still at it with a broken shift key--I have to place the minute sponge on the centre of the tiny rectangle and hold it there to get any capitals! DoEs anyone know of an award for blogging perserverance?
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