So we finally made it to Montreal. It was raining last night but seems to be clear skies today... Im a bit tired from travelling and such. Staying at the fairmont, This one isnt as old as the others, only 50. Its the same one John Lennon wrote " Give Peace A Chance," at. These Photos I have uploaded arent my photoshopped ones from school they are just ones took on the webcam, with special effects... Not Much else new... Was thinking about the times I used to come and stay in Kelowna for a week or so and thought that that would be fun, hint hint. Ummmmmmm... Yeah. Im gonna go. Do nothing. Be tired.
This Is Cliffer, Signing Out, For Now.
*EDIT* I tried to add a blog list but due to technical problems it wont let me, sorry. *END EDIT*