Got recommended for the social studies exam! So now I only have to do my english one! Getting way to excited about the new game coming out... Well actually its only a fraction of the actual game. THe creature creator for Spore!!!! It looks more epic than riding a llama into the sunset. Will post one digital art project daily for the next few days. I only kept my good ones... Well. the ones I thought were good. Really really excited about spore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOly jebus murphy it looks awesome!!!!
http://www.spore.com/ <---- thats the website ^ Up there is my digital art project. Its called Green Fields.
TIC, SO. Fn.
**EDIT** You may have to click the picture if you want to read the words that go along with it...**END EDIT**
wow...you got talent kid. you have the soul of an artist. keep creating.
I can see why you won the award.
Marvelous work Kyran. Congrats on getting recommended in Social.
Great talent.
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