Ok, so this blog will play out like a letter. The first to Henry, The second to catherine.
In response to your comment, I realize what I said may have been uncool, but I was not dragged into this by someone elses will. I chose to step in merely voice my feelings on this fiasco. I do realize my mom wouldn't let your mom into my house, but if you do the math, there would be for the second week where you and your mom and dad planned to come alot of people in the house. There would be me, my mother, you, Saskia, Mistaya, Tabitha, and of course, Penelope. If you do the math, there are one, two, three beds on the second floor, and on the third floor three more. Pip would be staying in a crib in one of the rooms if she came, which was not fully understood on whether she would stay with her mother or not, But Pip aside. There are only six beds in the house. How many people? One, two, three, fourfivesix. OH MY GOODNESS! Six Beds For Six People. Take that grade one math. Im sorrry if I come off as spiteful or mean or anything, but really, come on now. Noone likes sleeping on the floor. Especially hardwood. And You're mother never tried to make it up, unless you count telling mine to grow up. I know, from my fourteen years of life upon this earth, ( More than enough experience to know), that you smply can't do things like insult people, etc, And not expect consequences. Surely you should too. I mean, what would this world be like without them? People could be murdered and the murderers would just keep on killing. Sorry for the harshish comparison. But anyways, to answer your email to me, I cant come to Kamloops because the girls are coming the second week of my course, and then Im off to salt spring island for a vacation for one or two weeks I am not sure. So I will not be able to see you in Kamloops, and even if I could, I really would love to, I wouldn't want to see your mother. Who would want to see the person that singlehandedly wrecked there summer. Think About it.
Your Loving Cousin, Kyran.
PS. I hope you read this sooner rather than later, For I would hate for this whole thing to ruin our friendship.
I really am impressed, I mean, I am completely impressed by your lack of courage. As You may have read in the previous letter , Hopefully after Henry for I have this suspicious feeling that you won't let him read it after you have, I really would hate to think that we live in a world without consequences. But we don't , hate to burst your bubble, and from what I have seen in my past interactions with you, which I will admit are limited I having only lived for fourteen years, you might just live in your own little world where consequences are those used only by the high people of the government, and for those who commit serious crimes, not things like insulting gifts for no apparent reason let alone gifts that hard work was put into. Now I really do hope that you believe that I am speaking out of my own free will, which I am. But really, making your son comment on my blog about you, Thats just cowardice. I know that didn't fully come from Henry's heart, If there's a pun there please excuse it for this is no laughing matter, Because when I talked to him the other day on the phone he really just sounded upset that he couldn't come to Nelson. Oh and by the way, that whole thing about Saskia not wanting to fly alone, If you haven't noticed already, was put on. If you noticed, she only started saying that after Henry was denied the chance to come down, Mostly out of love for her brother and understanding that he wanted to come down as much as she did, If he hadn't been offered the chance to come down to nelson with her she would have flown alone, probably because she wanted to go to the film camp as well as get into weather that was above the 20 C degree mark on an average. Now, I really hope you know that I don't want to compromise my relationship with my cousins, but if that means that I have to show you that you have to face up to consequences and not go through life like all the bad things you've done never happened, then I may have to hope that they can come down to Nelson sometime soon. I really hope that you can see the error in your ways and face the consequences. I, for example can see that the consequences of me writing this letter may make it so that I cannot see two of my favorite cousins for quite some time, and it breaks my heart to do this but I must. If the words of one 14 year old can mend most of the broken ties in this family then maybe I might have done this for something. I hope to god that you can, I hate to be the broken record here, see the errors in your ways and make up for them some how. I will make a suggestion that finding some way to actually apologize to Theresa, or just make up for the errors in your ways, that would be so much better for you , your kids, everyone else involved in this matter, and I.
Thank You for listening, If You did happen to read this before henry, Please Let Him know that I am sorry for not being able to make it to Kamloops and will hopefully see him, and Saskia soon.
Thank You again.
GoodBye, Kyran.
Turquoise Turks and Caicos
8 years ago
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