Woot, Post 140, thats my age times ten minus ten... Anyways, sorry I havent been blogging lately, Ive been busy what with helping Paul move, The Exams, Joops B-Day, and Videogames... Anyways... BOOKS!!!
GirlFriend in A Coma: Very Good yet bizarre read, Definetly my favorite book ever, Douglas Coupland really gets it right in this one, other good ones by him, J-Pod, and The Gum Theif, Those are the only other two of his Ive read, Also Very good reads.
The First two books in the Templar Trilogy By Jack White: Very good books. Long but good, (Thanks Granny!), Im only halfway through the second but they are very good. They really provide an alternate, intruiging view on Christianity. Can't explain it so just read them.
There. Books.
GTG, To bed. Night... Cliffer Signing out.
Turquoise Turks and Caicos
8 years ago
You're quite the reader Kyran!
sounds like you've been busy too.
I'm glad you like the books by Jack White (even though he was a real dink to Miranda at the writer's conference). I find the Templar Knights very interesting.
You're quite the reader Kyran!
sounds like you've been busy too.
I'm glad you like the books by Jack White (even though he was a real dink to Miranda at the writer's conference). I find the Templar Knights very interesting.
Don't know why it went on twice!!!
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