I am pretty depressed today because I'll list them from most horrible to least. First of all the BEST dog in the world Clifford Hart, no affiliaion to Clifford the Big dumb red one, is probably, unless by some miracle e gets completely better, is scheduled to be euthinized tommorow. I may be too depressed to write tommorow so beware. Secondly, the Movie we made ,( The Cat Hunter), is being acuzed of being copied from the movie a kid in my school did called , "The Ninja Hunter". I'd just like too say that we did not copy anything other than " The ___* Hunter" It was more losely based on a version of the crocodile hunter. I say this because first of al, we are hunting animals not ninjas, secondly the movie takes place over a period of more than one day, thirdly, our production team, KTH and the others productions, has been around since February, where as the CDG production team was really only recently invented for purpose of personnalizing the Ninja hunter movie, and fourthmost, our movie was way longer ( becuase we didnt edit it). Fifth and lastly, hopefully, We didnt bother putting ours on Youtube becuase It just wouldnt work in fragments and the fragments might ,hopefully, have had to much data m making us had to have cut it even more. Those are my reasons. My other defence is my hat is tottaly different from Gus' and we had more than one protaginist and no actual evil people, noone died, sadly, Becuase we didnt bother planning the movie so we improved the whole thing and finnaly finnaly We had an actual story thats easy to keep moving with, its not easy to keep going with a story if the main character dies in the first episode, after that you might as well just say that its the one movie and not the first one in the series.
Thank you for letting me blow off some steam. I really needed that.
This is Cliffer, signing out.
Turquoise Turks and Caicos
8 years ago
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