I'm new at this so don't get Angry. If you get angry I'll get angry and you won't like me when Im angry...
Anyways, like I said I'm new at this, or I could be newd or newt at this but noone wants to go there. Today I am planning on making a movie for all the Youtubers out there I don't know when it will officially come out... Lol Come out. Well thats about as much as I can think of for today that I want to share. For those of you that dont know what lol means I will post a list of popular frazes that those blasted children are using now a days.
LoL: To laugh out loud though not really meaning it most of the time. Example, Jerry: yeah, today I slipped and fell on my butt. Kenneth: Lol.
Rofl: To roll on the floor laughing, yet again you dont actually have to be rolling on the floor to say that but it still works.
Omg: Oh My God, to be slightly shocked by something.
Lirl: Laughing in real life, this one you can't lie about.
Lmao: Laughing my A** off. To be laughing your a** off.
Note: For most of these the letter F can be added to them to emphasize the meaning. Example: Lofl: Laughing out F***ing loud, and/ or Lmfao: Laughing my f***ing a** off.
There now you know some slightly popular language, and are slightly more educated in popular terms. Now go out there and act like a kid again.
This is Cliffer, signing off.
Turquoise Turks and Caicos
8 years ago
Happy birthday :)
Hey Cliffer, What about my personal favourite WTF or Queen MJ's JM&J? ps, sorry to hear about the real cliffer, he was some dog, we will miss him.
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