BHG stands for BloodHound Gang, they are a band that I like. A Wii is the latest thing out from nintendo, you may have heard about it on Catherines Blog where she spelled it the wrong way eg Wi. Here is a picture of it... The controller being on the left the actual system on the right.
And then Quagmire, like I said is a character from Family Guy the Popular TV series, Here is a picture of him, Alright and thats all the explaining I need to do. Now onto a different topic... I will be making a poll on my blog to debate on which is better, Poopsi, I mean, Pepsi, Or Coca Cola.
By the way.... The pictures might of messed up so Quagmire is the guy with the big chin and the Wii is the small mechanical device.
Thanks for the undergrad course in pop culture!!
I cannot BELIEVE the results of your poll. What is with you people!!!???
yo, KW, happy to see you are back--now keep on blogging so I have something interesting to read each day!
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