Ok so I caved in and stopped not blogging. But this is just a test if you read this please comment to say that you have. Ummmm.... That is all.
Got pretty good report card 3 A's and 3 B's two of the B's I was within 2% of an A so I feel kind of jipped.
Got really sweet birthday prezents. BHG cd, two lego firetrucks, a Wii, a game and another controller for the Wii, third season of the office, Quagmire ( from Family Guy) poster featuring all his best pick up lines, eg:" Were you arrested earlier? Because its gotta be illegal to look that good.", quite a few books, and a weekend trip to the states for a waterpark extravaganza, Im not spilling any juice about that weekend, just that it was wild, and thats about it. Went shopping at the White elephant, got really fancy christmas presents for all the cousins, and Ran around spokane with my two BFFs.LOL. That is all.
Goodbye for now...
Ooops almost forgot, TIC SO,FN
Turquoise Turks and Caicos
8 years ago
come on, what happened in spokane?? ANd I am so seriously out of touch, that I have no idea what you got for your birthday!!
Woww.... Did you even read the part where I listed what I got for my birthday?
glad to have you back.
i did, but wth is a BHG, a wii, quagmire....???
i told you, Im out of touch!
Also, when Im talking p/coke debate, you know Im talking DIET, right?
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