I know its not much but I think its okay. I realize I probably need to make the beginning longer and less stupid but I think its okay.
Ok, So I’ve been through most of those classes where they explain to you the basics of a book. The book has to have a start a middle and an end. The middle being the most interesting part getting its kick start from the beginning which is the hardest part to get through, at least that’s what I think, and the ending the easiest part to get through even though you don’t want it to go away… Well if it was a good story you don’t. So I’m gonna tell you this story the way it happened, like most stories, with a beginning middle and end. Of course why should I be telling you that. It’s not as though you expected anything else. I just thought this might be a good introduction. Anywho… lets get his started.
And Now…
The Beginning…
I walk towards the bathroom wearing only one sock. My toe nail had caught on the sock so I had taken it off and forgotten to remove it. I could hear a ruslting downstairs, probably just my mom and her Boyfriend talking in front of the fire. Nothing new there. As I sit down and do my business I hear a different sound. This ones a rustling out side. Usually I would think Its our dog, Gunter, or one of the cats. But its not, I know cause I just saw Gunter before I came in here, and I just put the cats to bed 20 minutes ago. Strange. As I walk out the bathroom door I here a sound downstairs Its an angry voice and not my moms voice or Dan, Dan the Moms boyfriend man. I go down to investigate. Ok, now you should know a bit about my house. It’s a 3 story house built god knows how long ago, and only really sound proofed on the outer walls and attic. So upstairs you can almost clearly make out a conversation at normal volume.
I walk down the stairs and start walking through the hall, my good sense gets the better of me and I blurt out,
“ Mom, is everything okay?”
My voice is greeted by a thirty something guy who’s fairly built and looks like he grew up in the wrong side of town.
“No,” He Grunts,” It isn’t.”
He make a lunge at me but Im quick to react. I jump out of the way and he smacks his knee on the piano bench.
“SHIT!” He yells, Mostly at me.
I turn and bolt not realizing that my mom and her boyfriend may be in mortal danger. I leap out the back door grabbing a fairly large and thick wooden club on my way out. Strategeticaly placed by the door for just the emergency. Curtousy of your’s truly.
As I explode out of the back door I realize Im only wearing one sock some jeans, and a hoodie with a t-shirt underneath. Completely forgetting it’s the middle of December and we’re living in Canada. Ok so I wasn’t entirely prepared for this. But you can’t say I didn’t entirely expect it to happen one of these days. I mean when your mother is one of the most influential women in the country, maybe even the world, and her boyfriend happens to be a three time lottery winner, all huge jackpots, you really cant not expect this sort of thing to happen. Probably a kidnapping or something. I don’t care. I heard the built guy yelling at someone to follow me, and I can’t run for much longer, or maybe I can…
I run all the way down town and then to the school and then walk up to the hospital, only to find that my dad is in the Emergency helicopter going down the valley. I thank the lady at the front desk profusely, lieing and saying my shoe fell off in the entrance and I don’t need her to call the police. As I leave I see a fairly large guy step out of a car. He looks in my direction. I can tell he’s trying to be descreet about it but he’s failing. I bolt. Hearing him yell something about how he’s going to kill me.
I run towards the road through the parking lot, either that or the ice covered stairs that took me 10 minutes and a stubbed toe to get up. As I run through the maze of cars I catch him in the corner of my vision getting into his car, a fairly new chevy with a crudely painted passenger side door and front bumper, obviously he’s had a couple of D.U.I’s. As I get through the second row of cars I hear a screech of tires and a crash and turn for a second to see he’s crashed into the car behind him. But that doesn’t stop him. He instantly turns for the exit of the parking lot. This one’s gonna be close. As I run down the middle of the road with him on my tail I make a sharp turn into the bushes running up a small path that I would sometimes use as a shortcut toget from my friends house to the hospital to meet my dad. When I reach the top of the hill I find myself face to face with a deer. We both stand there for a moment taking a breath. It obviously knows that not many deer make it this far into town and therefore it should be scared. Then the silence is broken with a screech of tires down the street. We both bolt in opposite directions. I run up she runs down. Both of us hoping for the safety of a warm home somewhere with company who definetly won’t kill us.
I manage to avoid the guy in the car by running through peoples back yards. Of course not entirely to my advantage is this path of choice. I trip a feel something luke warm and half frozen kind of squish between my fingers. Frozen Dog turd, great. If that’s not the icing on the cake my almost frozen naked foot manages to break through the thin ice of a kiddie pool that no one deflated or emptied after summer.
Turquoise Turks and Caicos
8 years ago
keep it coming cliff, I'm hooked.
Wow! You have the writer's gift Mr.Cunningham.
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