Ok time for one of my eduactional sessions. This time we tackle myths and secretive creatures of the world.
Big Foot: Basically a Copy of Sasquatch and the Yeti. The americans couldnt stand having nothing but a couple of river and lake dragons( different from ogopogo and Nessy) so they made up there own ape like creature. Some guy dressed his buddy up as a big ape with boobs and took a picture. Got famous and so did the legend. Sasquatch there is actual video footage. Yeti, There are some villages in the region of Mt Everest who actually leave food out with a virgin every year to keep the ape at bay. Every Year both aer gone. People have found footprints as big as ice picks, and much more.
Nessy and Ogopogo: The two most famous water dragons horse heads, water horses or dinosaurs of the Earth. Ogopogo Could just be a sturgeon seen by some natives who ate the wrong mushrooms , and Nessy may be a fake. The men who made up the rumour and took the first pictures, the last of which on his death bed confessed that it was all a hoax. Could be him protecting the monster or could be a legitimate fake.
River dragons and lake dragons mentioned earlier: Gotta raed up on those. Too busy now becuase Im busy and need to find the book I found out about them in.
Turquoise Turks and Caicos
8 years ago
Hey KW, so are you gonna come up and Sasquatch treck or what? You can catch a ride up with us if we go.
Whew! I think you have a career in academia - boy!!!! Wanna write some papers for me?
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