Wednesday, June 17, 2009

YAY FOR ANIMAL ABUSE!!! ( Just kidding law people)

BOOM BOOM BOOM, Movie Review Time, With A line up of True Lies, JCVD, Land Of The Lost, Angels And Demons, Wolverine, Pineapple Express, and The Running Man. Plus, (before All That) , Some pictures of the dogs...

Have to go right now so movie review tomorow K bye!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

I will Possess your Heart (Or At Least They Will)

Went to see Death Cab For Cutie Last Night. It was amazing, at first we thought it was going to be bad because the sound quality for the first, ( yes First), opening band was awful, the only thing you could hear clearly was the violin, the singer was only audible when he talked in between songs, and the guitar was not turned up loud enough for anyone but a dog to hear. The second opening band had slightly better sound but still kinda sucked, they had two guitars that always seemed to be competing not complementing and the lead singer kinda sucked, his voice being whiny and a bit awful. One song the second opening band played was just the chorus of "Theres something wrong with me" repeated over and over again. When Death Cab for Cutie Finally got on stage it didnt look good but, sure enough, they were beyond fantastic. The sound and lights were phenomenal, and they played basically none stop with smooth transitions between songs, switching guitars between every song, from 10:00 to 11:30. It really didnt feel like that long, mostly because they were just so good. Now to talk about the rest of the Night. First of all theres the Cab drvier, Luckily it wasn't a Death Cab. We had taken the advice of the concierge and after walking to the bank, taken a cab to the University. The Cab driver on his own could be enough to write an entire blog about. AS soon as he heard we were from Canada, we being Paul, Shane, and I, he proceeded to tell us about all the best clubs to go to, only after telling us about the worst clubs, " Where the women are all just too horny, and are always trying to rip your clothes off." Now Before I continue quoting him, I should describe him, he was an older man, with white hair, in a style that seems to be taken by many old men in the states who haven't lost all their hair, a sort of mullet combed back but not too long, he also wore sunglasses had a rather large beer gut, and seemed to possess one of those southern accents thats almost texan but with a bit of northerner in him. Now with that description out of the way, you can see why we almost started laughing at him right there and then. Then with the cab ride over we proceeded into the concert. The concert, being at a university, you would expect to be wild, but it really wasn't. There was no drinking or smoking at the concert. And only after hearing of Mom and Joops experience at the free classical concert at the Fox, put on by the same university as the Death Cab concert. At the free concert there were over 30 nuns all in classic nun attire and 50% of them under 30. Now that explains why the movie crowd was so concervative. And Why the concert was so mild audience wise. After the Concert we were imersed into the crowds of thousands leaving the stadium. When we turned the corner to walk the 8 blocks back to the hotel, suddenly they were gone. Us having been the only ones who didnt drive to the function. It was almost scary, being surrounded on all sides by people, then, suddenly, no one.

Anyways, thats basically the entire concert experience summed up, hope it was easy enough to read, and if you havent already checked out Death Cab For Cutie, do so Immediately.

This is Cliffer, signing out, for now.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

New Video

This is the claymaiton I made of the characters Misty Tabby and I made during the break. Hope Y'all Enjoy!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

No Clean Clothes, And Kelowna HO!

As promised the David Byrne Video, This one is the only video I have that showcases the dancers him and the band.

Anyways, getting ready for Kelowna, and not much else...

K well, Bye.

Friday, February 20, 2009

David Byrne.

David Byrne was awesome!!! I had so much fun! I will post some viddeos and pictures soon. Right now Im just resting and waiting for breakfast... Anyways. Gotta go.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Liam Neeson Father Of The Year!

Saw Liam Neeson In Taken last week, It was really good, I liked it. For an action movie it had a rather gripping story and good action. He Definetly wins Father of the year.

Another good movie, I'm Not There, It came out a while ago... It was the flick about Bob Dylan. It starred Heath Ledger as one of the like 7 bob Dylans, surprisingly the movie isnt one of his famouser ones, especially since they flash his naughty bits in one part... YUCK!

Other Than those haven't seen any movies recently that I thought were good... Wait!! The Bands Visit, Its about an Israeli Poliice Band that takes the wrong bus in Egypt and end up spending the night in the middle of nowhere. Brilliant little film, charming, witty the whole bit.


Monday, February 2, 2009


Woot, Post 140, thats my age times ten minus ten... Anyways, sorry I havent been blogging lately, Ive been busy what with helping Paul move, The Exams, Joops B-Day, and Videogames... Anyways... BOOKS!!!

GirlFriend in A Coma: Very Good yet bizarre read, Definetly my favorite book ever, Douglas Coupland really gets it right in this one, other good ones by him, J-Pod, and The Gum Theif, Those are the only other two of his Ive read, Also Very good reads.

The First two books in the Templar Trilogy By Jack White: Very good books. Long but good, (Thanks Granny!), Im only halfway through the second but they are very good. They really provide an alternate, intruiging view on Christianity. Can't explain it so just read them.

There. Books.

GTG, To bed. Night... Cliffer Signing out.

Friday, January 2, 2009


Managed to recover the photos that were thought to be lost, these are some of the best, hope you enjoy. We'll probably be heading to the Captain Cook Memorial Today, there's beautiful snorkeling there so that should be fun. If you haven't seen it already, Keith has started a blog on my account, heres the link, Click Here, he's a pretty good writer I hope you all enjoy. Anyways not much new other than that, we went to the tennis club new years party, It wasn't that great, it wayned out by 10 or so. We went to The beach with Harmen, Donna, and Donna's parents yesterday, a few people from the party were also there. Then after the beach we went and saw the house their building, its built around this Pod Idea that all the bedrooms are seperated by open air but you all come together in the main area, Its really nice. Well, Im gonna go get breakfast. Bye.