I curse as I fall to the ground a feel a sharp pain in my knee. I know I must go on but I can’t. I hear movement behind me. I grab at the club that my fingers have been glued to this entire time.I turn around quickly, frightening the cat that was out side for the night doing its business. Jut as I’m about to say hi the guy crashes over the fence and lands face down in the dog turd. I laugh and before I realize Im running again. This time I run into the small wooded area beside my friends house. As I run into the damp little forest with little snow on the ground, my mind is flooded with memories of years past. Like the time we ran around playing hide and seek or the time we tried and failed to buid a treefort, only getting the ladder and the floor done. I run towards the area I think the tree is in. Some light from a street lamp helps guide the way. I find the ladder in near ruins just the wood closest to the nail still there. I choose my footing carefully and climb up into the tree.
Chapter 2
I watch him drive by at least ten times in the next hour. Then I watch him stop. Right outside the forest and right in front of me. If the light of dawn was just a bit better this time of year he’d see me. As he gets out of his car and makes for the forest an unfamiliar sound pierces through the silence. It his cell phone. Playing one of those really cheesy voice tones from some cartoon. He curses and then picks up the phone quickly changing his tone of voice.
“ Boss,”He says,” No I haven’t got the kid yet, What… The cops… Ok then I guess I’ll get out of here… You sure you don’t want me to get the kid?... Ok, you only needed to say that once… Bye.”
He hangs up looks into the bushes one last time, gets into his car and leaves.
I breath a huge sigh of relief, and realize I’m shivering from both an adrenaline rush and the cold. I jump out of the tree right into a snow bank. Bruising my toe badly on a piece of ice. It just felt like I dropped a pencil on my toe but I know its bad because my foots so numb anything that I can feel is gonna leave a mark. I call my friend first from my cell pone… I completely forgot that I had it in my pocket. It miraculously still dry and has half a battery left. I phone my friends cell… He picks up after three rings.
“ Wha…?” He says, still half asleep.
“ Can I come over?” I ask, “ Its sort of an emergency…”
“Ok… Wait what type of emergency?” He inquires…
“ One that I ran out of the house with no shoes on type of emergency, Or in your language… Ummm… Code Orange or whatever, The guys that are after me would have four stars if they were in a game…. You know…”
“ Ok, ok when will you be over?”
“ How bout five minutes?” I hang up.
Two Minutes later I’m at his front door.
“That was less than five minutes,” He says as he opens the door.
“ Yeah well is your dad here?” I ask, “ Cause this is the kind of thing he’s into.”
My friend, Terry, is the son of the head of the RCMP in our town any shit like this goes down he is usually the first to know.
“ I called my dad.” Terry says,” He’s going to go by your house then come over here”
“ OK,” I say,” Leaning against his kitchen counter, “ You got any thing to drink?”
“I’ve got a couple of energy drinks… and some cola”
“ TAB cola?” I ask.
“ Is there any other kind?”
We go down into his basement and turn the tv and the Playstation on, and the lights off.
“ I’ll grab my sword just in case he says”
Even though I know two teenagers with a knife and a sword are no match for how ever many bad guys there are, I feel safe.
We put in some violent game where you can basically do anything from steal cars to drive trains. I drive a train right off the tracks into an rv park, and we both laugh when he starts towing a semi with a tractor and the semi acellerates sending it flying into a wall. But after a half hour or so his dad walks in the door.
Turquoise Turks and Caicos
8 years ago